
English Literature

The Goodbye


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By the end we hope you have read the book, The Giver By Lois Lowry. And are able to show a deep reflection about the Utopias and a perfect society. 

I hope you get to realize that there is no perfect society, that everyone has a mind of its own. Freedom is incredibly important, we must have freedom of speech, thought, and such. But sometimes freedom, takes to rebellion, which can cause problems on your society, and then the perfection will be over. 

The Giver, belongs to a group genre called Dystopian Literature, a lot of English Literature is based on it, and it shows how by trying to be an Utopia you can become a Dystopia. And you will realize how balanced a society must be, and how hard it is to achieve it. Hope you can reflect a little about it! I will leave a definition of  Dystopia.

an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one.

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