
Part 3 Literature - texts and contexts (A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen)



Now that you are familiar with the context of Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House and have a better understanding of the meaning behind his words. It’s time to start planning and writing the final essay!

Choose one of the questions below and write an essay based on your understanding of A Doll's House from Henrik Ibsen. Remember to use PEEL structure and provide well-chosen textual evidence from the text.

1. How and why might this work be considered inspirational?

2. How does the writer of the work you have studied convey a sense of place to his readers and to what purpose?

3. To what extent does this work show that an individual is in control of his or her own destiny?

4. How can examining a literary work from different perspectives enrich our understanding of both the work and the techniques used by the writer?

5. Analyse the role non-human elements play in a work you have studied.

6. Some say ignorance is bliss. How is “not knowing” presented in a work you have studied and to what effect?

Good luck!

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