
Japanese Samurai warrior



                  In conclusion, students should have an overall understanding and appreciation of Japanese culture and the ways of the Samurai. Reflecting back, we learned that the Japanese Samurai soldier focused on a concept named “Bushido’, which translates to “the way of the warrior” The culture of the Samurai was based upon having honor and freedom of the fear from death. Some traits that Samurai possessed were self-discipline, loyalty to one’s master, and ethical behavior. (Velazquez, L. 2008) What may been more values used in the code of the Samurai? Which ones should be more deemed more important?

     Could you see yourself as a Japanese Samurai soldier? It what ways were the Samurai similar to our U.S. Military? As students, it is important to indulge into other countries way of life and find a common ground. We are all a part of a “global community” that can open our eyes to many different cultures, ethnic groups, and important groups of people from vast parts of the world. Every county has their own history.

     We hope that you enjoyed your lesson and assignment! What would you like to learn more about the Japanese Samurai soldiers? Let’s think!

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