



October 24, 2011 

I worked in class on investigate, design, and plan. I thought about the 5 different creations i could make and wrote them down. i created a pro's and con's list that narrowed down to one recipe to use. 
I created two rubrics; one for the judge, and one for pro's and con's. I also listed the Specifications that are required for my dish.
I created a recipe, and listed out  very detailed steps on how to create the food that i had chosen
*( i would have used a different recipe for the dish i chose, however i followed through everything and completed on time)

October 25, 2011
I touched up on some details for my steps. I added the equipment that should be used while i create my recipe. Also i added pictures to my zunal to create more appeal. I also evaluated any changes that might have been needed for my plan.
i turned in my investigate, design, and plan
*(i should have touched up on more details but overall i created a well rounded zunal)

October 26, 2011
I worked on the changes that chef Pratt told us to make that was not in the rubric.
Also chef Pratt explained what the class would be like when we cook.
*( I listened to what chef Pratt said to change, and made the changes)

November 7, 2011
I created my dish, using the recipe that i created for this project. 
I followed through each step but my final product was not how i wanted to be.
While i was in the kitchen i helped put dishes away and sweep.
*( i should of done my me sin plas, washed my vegetables, and prepared my recipe a little more simple)

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