ZUNAL Support Forum


I am trying to attach a youtube video but it shows up as a blank box with only the title of the video in the box. I can add it as a link but I wanted to add it as a video.

United States Zunal

Click on Add resources in the bottom of the page (every page had one). On the upcoming screen, select "Add Video" and then "Add a video from http://www.youtube.com". Insert video URL (website address) from youtube and click on save. That's it.
That's what I did. Is there any way for your to look at my site and see where my mistake is happening? I tried three times.

United States Zunal

Sure. Can you provide a URL to your exact page and also URL to your youtube video?

United States Zunal

The video url you posted is a url for a playlist. Use the video url that links to the exact video: in your case: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6_3Syua38s
Thanks it helped me too.

United States Zunal

You're welcome