ZUNAL Support Forum


Unwanted extra pages in my "WebQuest Friend" MySite
My "WebQuest Friend" site I have created appears to be gathering pages that I have not created. This is within the "Should Australia have a War Memorial for Aboriginal Australians" section of my site. The unwanted pages include what looks like 2 folders and a page. Their titles are "MATX", "Childhood Obesity", and "9th Grade". I have tried removing them but whenever I click on either the Edit or Delete symbols, a blank page loads. I've tried it numerous times and the same thing keeps happening. How can I get rid of these?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

United States Zunal

This is strange and should not be happening unless there is something else going (such as copying and pasting directly from other webquest etc. Could you please send us the exact url where you are seeing these pages?
Here is the url where I am seeing these pages (I have since moved things around, and more unwanted pages have appeared!)...

The names of the unwanted pages are as follows:
- Ryders fiction
- Hip hop in the classroom
- statement of teaching philosophy
- childhood obesity
- 9th grade
- Contact information
- Resume
- MATX (there are 2 of the same pages on different sections of my site)

This my MySite url:

Please help asap! I am meant to publish this site today!

United States Zunal

Please check again and let us know if you still have any problems.
Thank you so much, it has all been fixed!
Makes it feel so much less cluttered, lovely!

Thanks again.

United States Zunal

You're welcome.