ZUNAL Support Forum


Delete Resource is not avaiable!
Help! In the my Tasks section, I have added an audio file with a Youtube URL. I have successfully worked in the Title and Intro page, but in this instance. The audio file has a youtube embedded video box, that says the following when you play: "Video not able to play because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement..."

The issue I am no faced with is the "Delete resource button" is no longer available. I can not delete this audio, and if I add other resources, files, YouTube video's it does not appear, it only adds to the total number of resources I have. I am not able to delete those resources either... Currently I have 6 resources listed, but I can not see any of them except the first invalid audio file. I tried to reset the page but it only resets the content or text listed, and not the resources.

Any help/suggestions out there?

United States Zunal

Should be fine now. Please make sure to insert only one audio file for auto-play. This audio will play automatically when somebody visits your webquest. If you insert more than one, all of them will start playing.
Thank you so much! I appreciate the speedy correction/response. Praise to Zunal!!!

United States Zunal

You're welcome