
Kingdom Protista



Welcome: Kingdom Protista
Description: Kingdom Protista, sometimes referred to as the "junk drawer" kingdom, have a wide variety of species, some function like or resemble the fungus, plant, and animal kingdoms. Many are microscopic, some have mobility, and some can even make their own food! This WebQuest will focus on the three major sub-categories within the kingdom; Protozoan, Algae, and Fungus-like Protist. Each subgroup has unique characteristics which help make Kingdom Protista a very interesting kingdom.
Grade Level: 6-8
Curriculum: Science
Keywords: Protozoan (animal-like), Algae, Fungus-like, heterotroph, autotroph, Paramecium, Sporozoan, Euglenoid, Diatom, Dinoflagellates, Amoeba, Flagellates
Author(s): Howard Johnson


Description: The Protista Kingdom

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