
Creating Business information credited to Computer Applications.



Welcome: Creating Business information credited to Computer Applications.
Description: The WebQuest is for basic computer applications such as typing skills, software management, and other skills that work in computer technology today. Specifically, to create resumes, cover letters, thank you letters, and more. State Standards: Business Management & Administration - Experiential Learning (#14) Using personal profile and career plan goals, prepare customized career preparation materials or exercises for a specific occupation or industry, such as: a) Resume b) Cover letter(s) c) Thank you notes (after interviews) to potential employers d) List of transferable skills e) Job application(s) f) Mock interview or role-play exercise
Grade Level: 9-12
Curriculum: Life Skills / Careers
Keywords: Resume, Applications, Budgeting, Cover Letters, and Thank you letters
Author(s): Dylan Black

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WebQuest Hits: 250
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