
Surrealism Art



Welcome: Surrealism Art
Description: Have you ever had a dream with images that make absolutely no sense realistically? Maybe you were living in a world made of cotton candy clouds and ice cream sundae mountains. Or maybe, you were sporting a new look with a hat made from a birds nest? Talk about a fashion statement! These bizarre and unusual images can be described as surreal. As you will come to find in this lesson, the concept of surrealism can make for some very interesting and creative artistic expression. In this Webquest you will explore the Surrealist period of the early twentieth century, its influential artists, and create an art piece of your very own.
Grade Level: 6-8
Curriculum: Art / Music
Keywords: Surrealism, Art, Dali, Chagall, Magritte, Surrealistic Portraits
Author(s): Samantha Albano

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WebQuest Hits: 263
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