
Global Warming!



Welcome: Global Warming!
Description: In this Webquest a group of environmental scientists explore some of the causes of global warming. They will begin by learning about energy absorbance from the electromagnetic spectrum. Followed by an experiment using water and colored paper to simulate different climates on earth. From the data they receive they will form a hypothesis about why the earth is warming. Finally, they will conduct a web search to get information to accept or reject their hypothesis and build a poster arguing their findings. Afterwards the students will provide constructive feedback on the posters. The students will be allowed to make changes to their posters before presenting them to the class. Afterwards the students will write individual lab reports, outlining their hypothesis, variables, methods, results and discussion, and conclusion of their findings.
Grade Level: 9-12
Curriculum: Science
Keywords: Global warming, Scientific method, Environmental Science, Absorbance, Electromagnetic spectrum, Hypothesis, Independent variable, dependent variable.
Author(s): Steven Ruark

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WebQuest Hits: 273
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