
Create Your Own Resume



Welcome: Create Your Own Resume
Description: In this WebQuest, you will research a variety of websites concerning how to build an effective resume. You will also explore your personal strengths and weaknesses, compare and contrast acceptable resume styles and evaluate which resume format best fits your experience and needs. Finally, you will create your own highly effective resume! PRIMARY TOPIC: Creating a Resume SUBTOPIC: The parts of an effective resume
Grade Level: 9-12
Curriculum: Professional Skills
Keywords: Resume, Hiring Manager, Heading, Job Objective, Action Words, Chronological, Functional, S.T.A.R format, Employment, Education, References. Image citation: Microsoft. This is the logo for Microsoft Word.Logo. June 12, 2013. Google Images. https://www.google.com/search?biw=1024&bih=476&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=a-LPWp-8JYji_Aaj9Z7oBw&q=microsoft++word+logo&oq=microsoft++word+logo&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l10.16370.29593.0.30062. 04/12/2018
Author(s): David Tindall

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