
Welcome Video Gamers to finding out if video games are educational or just fun to play.



Welcome: Welcome Video Gamers to finding out if video games are educational or just fun to play.
Description: Introduction to finding out are video games educational or just fun to play? We will be walking through a series of websites that will show interactive gaming and questioning. We will investigate these sites. How will we do this is by picking a video game and writing about it.This would include who makes it, when it came out, what type of game it is, what it is rated, and is it educational. Some of these sites show math so we will be doing some math games as well.
Grade Level: 9-12
Curriculum: English / Language Arts
Keywords: Monster, computer, comfortable, pretend, young, blood, violence, Netiquette, gimmicks, Video games, NOS, Custom cars, turbo, and genre (example role playing or shooter).
Author(s): William Dowler

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