
Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Teacher Page


Dear Teacher, Thank you for visiting my web-quest.

There are some additional information if you think to use it for your students.

Objectives and aims: The objective of this web-quest is to prepare a project by following the tasks. The aim of this web-quest is to learn some special thing about the author William Shakespeare and his play Hamlet. Indeed, this web-quest aim is to make the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills enjoyable and to include all students to work both individual and in groups. 

Content area/grade level: The content are of this web-quest is Literature studies and this web-quest should be used for high school level students.

Evaluation: The students are evaluated according to the rubric. There are two rubrics. The first one is for group evaluation and the second one is for group member's performance during the web-quest.

Resources and References: Wikipedia, Google, Youtube are in the resources list of this web-quest.Indeed, a grammar book was used for "Hamlet short summary":
Harris M., Mower D., Sikorzyriska A.New Opportunities: pre-intermediate. Longman press.

If you have any questions, contact information:
 rabia-muci@hotmail.com or rabiamuci@yahoo.com 

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