
Zenayda Torres

Teacher Page


  1. Teacher suggestions:
    In introducing the WebQuest, have students discuss the meaning of the introductory quotation. This could be done as a class or in a free write activity (or a combination of both).
  2. Send a letter home to parents inviting them to look at the WebQuest so that they are aware of what their students are doing in class.
  3. For students who struggle with directions, go through the WebQuest together as a class before setting them loose. This will allow them to be exposed to the project and the website(s) before working on their own. This will also give them the opportunity to ask questions.
  4. Break the assignment down and give multiple due dates for each part.
  5. Give students instant feedback on how well they are working during class time.
  6. Since "copy and paste" and "print screen" are common in the assignments, make sure that students are clear on how to do this. Have them practice.
  7. Since this project is aimed to help students with Individual Education Plans, the presentation template is directly related to the IEP. The template can be modified for students who do not have an IEP.
  8. The course planning is also directly geared toward my students' graduation requirements. This can be modified and adjusted to meet your needs.
  9. Invite administration, counselors, roster teachers, and others to the presentation day.

Possible Timeline: 

Self Awareness: 2 (50 min) class periods

Career Research:  3(50 min) class period

Course Planning : 1 (50 min) class period- allow time for teacher help and review. You may need a portion of another class period for students to correct errors.

Power Point Presentations: 2-4 (50 min) class periods- allow time for teacher help and possible feedback on a first draft. Students could also review each other's presentations in a peer edit session.
Presentations- varies depending on class sizes. Student presentations should be about 5 minutes in length.


Standard 1
READING: Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary Development

K.1.19 Learn and apply
knowledge of alphabetical
order (first letter)
1.1.19 Identify important
workplace and
environmental signs and
symbols, such as stop
signs, school crossing
signs, or restroom symbols,
from the colors, shapes,
logos, and letters on the
signs or symbols.
2.1.1 Demonstrate an awareness
of the sounds that are made
by different letters by:
x distinguish beginning,
and ending sounds in
x clearly pronouncing
blends and vowel
2.1.4 Recognize common
abbreviations (Jan., Fri.).
2.1.1 Identify simple multiple-meaning words (change,
duck can, board, and cap).
4.1.2 Apply knowledge of
synonyms (words with the
same meaning), antonyms

(words with opposite

meanings) and idioms
(expressions that cannot be
understood just by knowing
the meanings of the words
in the expression, such as
couch potato) to determine
the meaning of words and

Standard 2
READING: Comprehension and Analysis of Nonfiction and Informational Text

1.2.3 Respond to who, what,
when, where, why, and
how questions and
discuss the main idea of
what is read.
1.2.7 Relate prior knowledge
to what is read.
2.2.2 State the purpose for
reading including
vocational purposes.
3.2.7 Follow simple multiplestep written instructions
including vocational
instructional situations.
3.2.9 Identify text that uses
sequence or other logical
order (alphabetical, time,
categorical including
sequential text for
vocational applications)
6.2.1 Identify the structural
features of popular media
(newspapers, magazines,
online information) and
use the features to obtain

2.3.5 Confirm predictions about
what will happen next in a
4.3.3 Use knowledge of the
situation, setting, and or a
character’s traits,
motivations, and feelings to
determine the causes for
that character’s actions.
6.3.8 Critique the believability of
characters and a plot
6.3.9 Identify the main problem
or conflict of the plot and
explain how it is resolved.







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