
Poster 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle): Make it a habit

Teacher Page


This webquest is about 3R poster, a kind of scientific poster.

Duration for applying webquest activities in the class is 3x45 menit.

Spesific Instruction or advise in using this webquest in the classroom:

The most important thing is build the awareness of students that their contribution is really percious especially for their earth

one of all efforts to contribute is making eco- friendly habits as their daily habits such as doing 3R.


National Standards along with the curriculum:

The learning process based on the communicative approach that produce spoken and writtten in form of poster student production, scientific approach to set a classroom become a place for students to observe, analyze, and produce student production and character education.  The learning by using active learning activities and a student- centred learning.

Other standards along with the grade level:

The development of character and english productive skill is adjusted with the grade level competency because the materials and tasks based on the syllabus for the level.

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