
Vietnam War

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Students and fellow educators, this topic is one that does not come without much controversy surrounding it. The Vietnam War era was one of the most tumultuous eras in American history, not to mention deadliest. I urge you to take this opportunity to educate your students on the causes as well as the effects that this War had on America. Take a step back and allow the students to form their own opinion about the War. Do not just paint the same picture that has been painting since then. I urge you to not allow political bias enter this subject but education and respect for this time to take priority in this lesson.  


Standard USHC-8: The student will demonstrate an understanding of social, economic and
political issues in contemporary America.
Enduring Understanding
In the recent past, political views in the United States have embraced both conservative and
liberal perspectives. To make informed political decisions about contemporary issues, the
student will utilize the knowledge and skills set forth in the following indicators:
USHC-8.1 Analyze the African American Civil Rights Movement, including initial
strategies, landmark court cases and legislation, the roles of key civil rights
advocates and the media, and the influence of the Civil Rights Movement on other
groups seeking equality.
USHC-8.2 Compare the social and economic policies of presidents Lyndon Johnson and
Richard Nixon, including support for civil rights legislation, programs for the
elderly and the poor, environmental protection, and the impact of these policies on
USHC-8.3 Explain the development of the war in Vietnam and its impact on American
government and politics, including the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and the policies
of the Johnson administration, protests and opposition to the war, the role of the
media, the policies of the Nixon administration, and the growing credibility gap
that culminated in the Watergate scandal.
USHC-8.4 Analyze the causes and consequences of the resurgence of the conservative
movement, including social and cultural changes of the 1960s and 1970s,
Supreme Court decisions on integration and abortion, the economic and social
policies of the Reagan administration, and the role of the media.

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