
Arts and crafts in palestine

Teacher Page


At the end of each unit, the students will be asked to
produce a piece of work for display purposes – the unit task.
Explain that it will be presented or displayed in the class.
Encourage them to do their best writing, remembering to
form letters correctly, to make them the correct size and to
space them appropriately. The students will be motivated to
write very carefully when they know the work is for display.
It will also encourage them in their learning to produce
something that they feel proud of.


English for Palestine Grade 7 takes a step-by-step approach.
Students hear the words, then move on to saying them. They
then recognise and use them in context before writing them.
Students have different learning styles. Visual learners learn
best when they have lots of pictures, real items, people’s faces
and gestures as stimuli. Auditory learners learn best from
hearing new language and being given lots of opportunity to
speak. Kinaesthetic learners benefit from linking language to
action (this can be a challenge in the classroom).
English for Palestine has been designed to meet learner needs
and to motivate learners of different abilities. In addition,
concept checking questions which both the teacher and audio
recordings provide, start to develop the students’ thinking
from low to high order thinking. This development of thinking
skills helps the students to use more language in increasingly
complex ways.


I would like to thank the  team at web Quest, as well
as all the committee in Palestine who have tirelessly given their time to this


You can find further teacher support, including ideas for
extra activities and for developing teaching skills, on the
website onestopenglish.com. There is also a website for
this course where you can download posters, flashcards and
audio (MP3) materials. You could make your own materials
from the downloads available:
Password: Palestine

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