
Food Chains

Teacher Page


This webquest would take 2-4 school days to complete


Standard 3.L.5: The student will demonstrate an understanding of how the characteristics and
changes in environments and habitats affect the diversity of organisms.
3.L.5A. Conceptual Understanding: The characteristics of an environment (including physical
characteristics, temperature, availability of resources, or the kinds and numbers of organisms
present) influence the diversity of organisms that live there. Organisms can survive only in
environments where their basic needs are met. All organisms need energy to live and grow. This
energy is obtained from food. The role an organism serves in an ecosystem can be described by the
way in which it gets its energy.
Performance Indicators: Students who demonstrate this understanding can:
Standard 3.L.5: The student will demonstrate an understanding of how the characteristics and
changes in environments and habitats affect the diversity of organisms.
3.L.5A. Conceptual Understanding: The characteristics of an environment (including physical
characteristics, temperature, availability of resources, or the kinds and numbers of organisms
present) influence the diversity of organisms that live there. Organisms can survive only in
environments where their basic needs are met. All organisms need energy to live and grow. This
energy is obtained from food. The role an organism serves in an ecosystem can be described by the
way in which it gets its energy.
Performance Indicators: Students who demonstrate this understanding can:
3.L.5A.2 Develop and use a food chain model to classify organisms as producers, consumers, and
decomposers and to describe how organisms obtain energy.

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