
School Subjects by John Cyrus Salaga

Teacher Page


This webquest is about learning school subjects through a song. It would actually take an hour to complete this activity in classroom. If you are interested to use this webquest in your classroom, make sure to have a cd player, speaker and a golden voice.


1.1.4 Answer the questions from listening.
1.2.4 Speak and write to ask and give information.
1.3.1 Speak or write to give data about themselves and matters around them.
1.1.3 Choose the pictures corresponding to the meanings of words and groups of words heard.


I would like to thank the authors of Super Minds book for creating such a very effective and efficient textbook for students to learn the English language in an interesting and fun way.


Having inspirations really does help in creating a webquest. I would like to thank my partner and my son for always brightening my day in times of troubles, hardships and busy school days.

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