
Journey to Ellis Island

Teacher Page


I found several sites that I was unable to use for this lesson.

This one has a link to do an interactive online dress up doll for colonial times: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/colonialhouse/history/dress_up_flash.html

This is a link to another WebQuest for covering the Gold Rush: http://questgarden.com/104/00/6/100522151747/index.htm

This one has links to interactive websites for different times in American History. http://socialstudiescentral.com/?q=content/online-interactive-simulations


This would cover the Social Studies Heritage standards of grade 5.

Content Statements:
European exploration and colonization had lasting effects which can be used to understand the Western Hemisphere today.


I pulled 4 different websites for students to go to.
1. http://www.powayusd.com/online/usonline/worddoc/ellisislandsite.htm
2. http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/immigration/tour/stop1.htm
3. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/05/05/article-1272921-095B1644000005DC-837_634x344.jpg
4. http://exhibitions.europeana.eu/exhibits/show/europe-america-en/life-in-america

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