
Genetic Disease WebQuest

Teacher Page


The objective of this webquest is for students to be able to apply concepts learned in their unit on Genetics & Heredity to explain the links between genes and genetic diseases.  They will research a specific genetic disease and present their findings to the class in the form of a video or website about the disease they researched.



5.1.8.B.1 Design investigations and use scientific instrumentation to collect, analyze, and evaluate evidence as part of building revising models and explanations.
5.1.8.C.1 Monitor one�s own thinking as understandings of scientific concepts are refined.
5.1.8.D.1 Engage in multiple forms of discussion in order to process,make sense of, and learn from others� ideas,observations, and experiences.
5.3.8.D.1 Defend the principle that, through reproduction, genetic traits are passed from one generation to the next, using evidence collected from observations of inherited traits.
5.3.8.D.2 Explain the source of variation among siblings
5.3.8.D.3 Describe the environmental conditions or factors that may lead to a change in a cell�s genetic information or to an organism�s development, and how these changes are passed on.


This webquest was made during my EDTC 621 class at NJCU under the guidance of Dr. Carnahan.
Thanks to zunal.com for the template and the hosting of this webquest.

Content Credit: Premier Science for grades 6-8
Image Credits: www.science.unsw.edu.au, www.migrc.org, www.institut-biotherapies.fr, www.zagoumenov.com, www.redbankcharterschool.com, blog.ebayclassifieds.com


My name is Vern Ford. I teach 6-8 grade science at the Red Bank Charter School in New Jersey. This is my 9th year teaching at RBCS. I am currently taking classes to obtain a masters degree in Educational Technology at New Jersey City University.


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