
Into the Wild!

Teacher Page


For those teachers who are not familiar with this website I have written something here that might help you understand what is this all about...

This website is about creating your lesson in a modernized way. It allows you to create your lesson, give task, give instruction, assessed your students learning, and even cite links that is appropriate for your lesson. You can upload images and videos. In this way, it allows your students to learn even not in school. For example, if there are holidays and you still want to continue your lesson for that day, you can already create your lesson and what are the tasks that you desired to accomplish by your students. When regular class starts again, you can already proceed to the next lesson because you already had conducted your lesson on the website.

This is how powerful technology today. We, teachers must also upgrade our knowledge in adventuring the world of technology...


I would like to thank www.elfwood.com and to God...

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