
New Student Advising



Congratulations!  You have just experienced everything that a new student does when they come to campus for one of our traditional New Student Advising Days.  Now it's your turn to show us what you have learned. Please proceed to the Quiz portion of this webquest by clicking on the tab to the left!  Be sure to include your NAME at the end of the quiz so we know who you are!


What is Advising?

Advising is an educational process that, by intention and design, facilitates students' understanding of the meaning and purpose of higher education and fosters their intellectual and personal development toward academic success and lifelong learning. (National Academic Advising Association, 2004)

Advising Mission:

The mission of academic, personal, career and transfer advising at Garrett College is to effectively assist students in the development of meaningful educational an dlife plans that are consistent with their aspirations, interests, skills, and work and life values and in the implementation of these plans through purposeful major selection, successful degree completion, smooth transferring to 4-year institutions, honest personal reflection, and relevant work and service learning experience.




See Academic Advising Syllabus

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