
Bystanders Stop Bullies

Teacher Page

Sources are cited on the process page via their links.

This webquest is intended to address a topic that is outside (but obviously impacts) the regular curriculum. The TBE has recently increased the amount of time allotted to the topic of genocide in Grade 10 History. However, for purposes of evaluation, this webquest is best situated in Grade 10 English (Academic)

Overall Expectations
Creating Media Texts: create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques
Developing and Organizing Content: generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience

Specific Expectations
extend understanding of texts, including increasingly complex texts, by making appropriate connections between the ideas in them and personal knowledge, experience, and insights; other texts; and the world around them (e.g., recall similar structures of texts previously read to help in analysing a new text; with a partner, role‑play a mock interview about a public personality`s reaction to a recent profile in a print or online source; explain how something in your own experience or background has influenced your understanding of a character`s behaviour)
Teacher prompts: “How would you respond if someone described you in these terms?” “Based on your own experience, do you find this opinion piece convincing?”
evaluate how effectively information, ideas, issues, and opinions, are communicated in media texts, including increasingly complex texts, and decide whether the texts achieve their intended purpose (e.g., determine whether they get more information about a news story from a TV clip or a newspaper report; determine how accurately an animated children`s film featuring animal “characters” depicts aspects of human societies)
Teacher prompt: “What does this animated film do better – show you what the characters do or explain why they do it?”

© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1999.  Reproduced with permission.


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