
Spoiled Rotten

Teacher Page

This webquest was created to help the students identify problems that can occur in the classroom and how to make/keep friends.  The students are instructed to pay attention and answer comprehensive questions relating to the story. 

The students also learn how to use background knowledge to write about their own personal experiences that relate to the story.


This webquest was created using Colorado's standards for Reading & Writing in the Second grade.
Students write and speak using conventional grammar,
usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization,
and spelling.
In order to meet this standard, students will
� know and use correct grammar in speaking and writing;
� apply correct usage in speaking and writing;
� use correct sentence structure in writing; and
� demonstrate correct punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
Students apply thinking skills to their reading, writing,
speaking, listening, and viewing.
In order to meet this standard, students will
� make predictions, analyze, draw conclusions, and discriminate between fact
and opinion in writing, reading, speaking, listening, and viewing;
� use reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing to define and solve
� recognize, express, and defend points of view orally and in writing;
� identify the purpose, perspective, and historical and cultural influences of a
speaker, author, or director; and
� evaluate the reliability, accuracy, and relevancy of information.
Students read to locate, select, and make use of relevant
information from a variety of media, reference, and
technological sources.
In order to meet this standard, students will
� select relevant material for reading, writing, and speaking purposes;
� understand the structure, organization, and use of various media, reference,
and technological sources as they select information for their reading and
� paraphrase, summarize, organize, and synthesize information;
� give credit for others' ideas, images, or information; and
� use information to produce a quality product.


I would like to thank Mrs. Sinker for assisting me in creating this webquest as it is designed for her 2nd grade class. She has been a saint through this process and has given me much insight as to what the students need and what is appropriate for them.

The Colorado Department of Education has developed their standards so it is easy to adapt them to various lessons.

The story, "Spoiled Rotten" by Barthe Declements is an excellent piece of literature to use in the 2nd grade.


Many ideas can branch from reading this story; I found that the quest for friendship is the best use for this story. I find that using children's stories makes it easier for the students to relate and webquests to find their purpose in the classroom.

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