
Further than The Giver

Teacher Page


Students will read and write for critical analysis and evaluation

Analyze, interpret, and evaluate information, ideas, organization, and language 
Make precise determinations about the perspective of a particular writer by recognizing
the relative weight they place on particular arguments and criteria
Evaluate and compare their own and others' work with regard to different criteria
and recognize the change in evaluations when different criteria are considered to
be more important
Understand that within any group there are many different points of view depending
on the particular interests and values of the individual, and recognize those differences
in perspective in texts and presentations
Evaluate their own and other's work based on a variety of criteria and recognize
the varying effectiveness of different approaches
Present clear analyses of issues, ideas, texts, and experiences supporting their
positions with well developed arguments
Develop arguments with effective use of details and evidence that reflect a coherent
set of criteria
Use standard English, precise vocabulary, and presentational strategies effectively
to influence an audience

This webquest was adapted from Collen Spring's webquest. springc@bcsdgw.stier.org

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