
Time Brokers

Teacher Page


Purpose of the lesson: The purpose of this webquest is to teach 2nd grade students how to tell time as 5-minute intervals from an analog clock.

Audience: 2nd grade students

Learning objectives:
LO1: The 2nd grade students will identify the numerals as 5-minute intervals on a clock image from a power point presentation with 85% accuracy in the classroom.

LO2: The 2nd grade students will recognize the numerals as multiples of 5 from a clock image displayed from a power point presentation with 85% accuracy in the classroom.

Supporting curriculum standards:

Common Core State Standards- Work with time and money.
Cluster 7: Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m.

Technology standards
:  2a,2b,5a,5b,5c,5d

Materials: Paper, pencil, crayons, computer with Windows system, and the Paint program.



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