
Vacation Destination: South and East Asia



Asia Travel Brochure

Webquest Components:

1)  Work in pairs to research and complete 4 sets of questions about various regions in Asia.

  • Indian Subcontinent
  • China, Mongolia, and Taiwan
  • Japan and the Koreas
  • Southeast Asia

2)  On your own, design a travel brochure (using Microsoft Publisher) that entices vacationers to visit a country in Asia of your choice. Inform your readers about the geography (climate, physical features), culture (food, music, clothing, religion, holidays/festivals), and tourist attractions (man-made, natural). Your brochure will contain a minimum of three relevant pictures.    

3)  Participate in the "South and East Asia Expo" to share your research and country brochure with your classmates. 

4)  Complete a multiple choice and short answer test about South and East Asia. 

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