
Reading Inspires Children



There are several variables inter-related in the development of a child. The variables include physical, cognitive, social, spiritual, and emotional developments and are all interwoven. Each dimension of a child's development is affected by another dimension and they can not be compartmentalized into separate categories of development. For instance, if a child's physical state is affected by being malnourished, he or she is unable to learn. Likewise, children who have problems with learning suffer from self-esteem issues and difficulty with socialization.

All variables aforementioned are crucial to the development of a child. However, in this feature, we'll be concentrating on why reading is important to the development of children and how it affects their development and education.

Language is the most utilized form of communication. Children who are introduced to books at an early age are more prone to grasp the variances in phonics, which in turn affects their language skills and cognitive abilities. Studies indicate that children's familiarity with books is taught by their mothers who tend to typically be the main care giver of a child. The studies also show that children's familiarity with books is influenced by the mother's education level. The higher the level of education, the more apt a child is to be exposed to reading. The cause and effect of reading on language skills and cognitive abilities is cyclical, yet progressive in nature. The more a child uses phonics to test out new words, the more he or she reads. The more he or she reads, then more is learned until the child branches out and repeats the cycle.

Reading provides opportunities for physical development as well. Simply turning the pages of a book aids in fine tuning motor skills. It stimulates the muscles of the eyes and affects chemistry of the body, too, by utilizing the brain. It also has an effect on senses such as sight, sound, touch, and smell.


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