
Artemis webquest



Task 1: Read through the link down below and describe the economy of Artemis and why it is so important.

Task 2: To understand more about Jazz Bashara's plan to sabotage the Sanchez aluminum company, follow the link listed below and write a paragraph about why Jazz made a mistake when taking on this mission.

Task 3: Follow the link that I listed down below that will tell you everything you need to know about ZAFO. Describe why people are willing to kill to get their hands on it.


Web Link
  • task 1 link
    Description: All about Artemis and its fascinating economy for the task assigned above

Web Link
  • Task 3 link
    Description: This is a page that will tell you all about ZAFO

Web Link
  • Task 2 link
    Description: About Jazz Bashara and her ordeal with the Sanchez aluminum company and how she got tangled up in it.

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WebQuest Hits: 199
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