
MATH Project



Today in class we will be learning about the Basics of Mathematics and the core concepts. Following that we will be going to different websites to play math games in which will give you an idea of your own. When you are done playing you will each get into groups of 4. Each group will design their own math game which will consist of a total of 4 games. And must draw out the game and explain the rules of the games. As well as the materials needed to play the game.

You must make three out of the four different math games using the Basics of Mathematics. And they must be on these four basic concepts related with math:
⁃ Addition
⁃ Subtraction
⁃ Multiplication
⁃ Division


Web Link

Web Link
    Description: This website will allow you to play a variety of games that consist of learning to problem solve and the basics of mathematics as well as beyond that.

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