
Technology-based Final Project



In this assignment, you are to create a project about how a specific math skill (of your choice) is seen or used in real life scenarios and how to solve it. This should be a math lesson you have previously learned in this class that you have either found a way to apply it in your own life, or noticed someone else do it. This should be a fun and creative way to demonstrate what you've learned so far and how you can use it outside of the classroom! You are expected to conduct internet research on the project to get ideas and examples, as well as you are expected to use a technology- based format to present your project. In other words, the main goal is to explore and explain a math skill you are comfortable with, research and find examples of the topic, then use technology and your creativity to execute/ present the information to the rest of the class. You are welcomed to use any technology- based tool, software, or app, such as IMovie, PowerPoint, Prezi, PowToon, BrainPop, etc..

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