


Try to read through this poem and think what the persona wants to say.

Using one short bond paper, try to interpret each verse. 

< Africa>

Africa my Africa

Africa of proud warriors in ancestral savannas

Africa of whom my grandmother sings

On the banks of the distant river

I have never known you

But your blood flows in my veins


Your beautiful black blood

That irrigates the fields

The sweat of your work

The work of your slavery

The slavery of your children


Africa, tell me Africa

Is this you, this back that is bent

This back that breaks 

Under the weight of humiliation

This back trembling with red scars

And saying yes to the whip under the midday sun?


But a grave voice answers me:

Impetuous son this tree, young and strong

This tree there, in splendid isolation

Amidst white and faded flowers

That is Africa your Africa

That grows again, patiently, obstinately

As its fruit gradually acquires 

The bitter taste of liberty.


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