
Cold War Cereal Boxes



Checklist of Components:  (5 total)  Shoot for "better than average" on all of these!

After you review the rubric, read below to make sure you know what to include on your box!  The deadline is this project is Friday, May 17th by 2:40 PM. Anything turned in after will lose the points on the rubric.  You MUST turn in the paper copy of the rubric AND the cereal box by May 10th to receive full credit.

This project is to be done ON YOUR OWN TIME, with your own resources.  I have plenty of class examples of 100% projects that used very little in the way of resources.  If you need a free cereal box, see me sooner rather than later.   

HONORS: required.  If you want to do a second for OPTIONAL points, you can.  Pick any topic for your OPTIONAL choice. 

ACADEMIC:  This is a fully OPTIONAL project.  You may only submit one.  

____On one spine of your cereal box, you need to label whatever your Cold War term is, with a creative name for your cereal.  For example, "Woodstock Wheaties!".   Put this name on the front also.    If you want to create a logo, this is a good site to use.  Create and download a free logo in minutes!

____ The year or years of your term should be represented somewhere on the box.  For example, "3 days of peace, love, and music in 1969" would give an idea of when this event happened.  If your term is a person, put the dates of his/her birth and death, and make sure your box covers the Cold War time period and related importance.

____ For me to understand you really "get it", you also need to include the "what, who, where, and why" summaries of your event, person, or term in ways so that I'll understand YOU understand why this Cold War "thing" is so important.   WHAT your term is/was, WHO it is (if you don't have a who, then skip this), WHERE did this take place (it could be specific or it could be a global event), and WHY this "thing" is important to history.   LABEL THESE AS WHAT, WHERE, AND WHY.  You could have multiple answers for each.   For example, "WHAT: Woodstock was a huge outdoor concert in Woodstock New York, that brought together the hippie counterculture and and blah blah bands like blah blah.  Tickets were blah blah."  Add LOTS of detail!!!  

____ Also on the box, you must have AT LEAST 2 primary source quotes about your event.  Put them in quotes, and source whoever said it, if you can find that information.  For example, I found a great quote from the Woodstock concert...  "By and large, the past two generations have made such a colossal mess of the world that they have to step down and let us take over." -Pete Townshend, Woodstock musician

____The rest of the box should have enough graphics to give students an idea of what your event or term represents.  You can print in color for free if you tell the Media Center you are doing this for the COLD WAR CEREAL BOX.  The smart thing to do is create a word document will all the graphics you want to cut and paste on the box, then cut them out with scissors later.    Black and white printing is free as always.

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