
sing a black girl's song



Project Options

1. Create a book brochure advertising for colored girls...include the author's bio, plot description, criticisms and your favorite poems.

2. Create a blog about Ntozake Shange. Post a poem(s) from for colored girls...state why you chose that poem, consider how the poem is reflective of the text's message. Post her biographical information, including achievements, productions and her inspiration for writing for colored girls... Your blog should include criticisms of her work and your opinion of those criticisms

3. Create a Collage: This collage should note, the plot of for colored girls, Shange's inspiration, performances, poems or lines from the poems, and criticisms of for colored girls. The collage may serve as a response to some of the criticms of for colored girls...


-Students will be working in the same groups that they have been assigned to for their end of the unit performances

-Each group has one week to complete the WebQuest. At the end of the week students must select which project they will be working on

-Each group has one week to complete their project 

-Each group will present their project in class

By completing this project students will gain more insight into the author and the text. I will expect to see evidence of this insight as you plan your performances and in your final performances.


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