
Our Medieval Journey



In order to progress through the ranks of the feudal society you have been transported to, you will need to complete specific activities. Ranks for boys and girls were different then.  Keep in mind the questions:

Why were the roles of boys/girls, men/women so different back then? Are they different today?

Progression of ranks:

Girls: Peasant, Nun, Vassal, Lady, Queen

Boys: Peasant, Monk , Squire, Knight, King


You have all been transported back and straight into the life of a peasant, or serf. In medieval times this role meant a hard life and much work. You probably don’t want to stay here for long! In order to progress to the position of Nun or Merchant you will create a chart/table of questions (with their answers) to ask your classmates. How thorough was their research? Can they answer your questions?

You should have one question on each of the following topics: Art, Music, Literature, and Architecture.

Once completed, you will pose your questions to your classmates, attempt to answer theirs, and finally, submit your work to the Duchess de la college. (The teacher)

Nun or Monk

Your responsibilities for this level in society will be to research the meanings and difference in the most types of medieval government, the Monarchy, and the Theocracy. To do this, you must locate a website(s) that describes each type of government.  Locate on a map a country that had one of these types of government.  Use the given computer program to create a cluster graphic reflecting what you have found out, and turn it in to the Duchess.

Vassal or Squire

Your next duty is to research the Black Plague and the Crusades . Throughout the lesson, a basket will be passed.  If you draw a slip of paper with a black dot, you have contracted the plague and will be “quarantined” to the hospital (library area) for ten minutes with your fellow victims until you are well again. In the hospital, you will continue your research with the books provided.

When researching the Black Plague, consider such questions as: How did I become infected? What symptoms am I showing? How are other people treating me now that I am ill?

For the crusades, imagine that you are a Knight of the Realm and you are riding off into battle. Consider questions such as: What caused the crusades? Why (and who) am I fighting? Were the crusades started by the church or the King? Why?

Once you are confident that you have explored and researched enough about your topic, choose one (either the Black Plague or the Crusades) to write a short (two to three paragraphs of no less than four sentences each) essay on the causes and effects of your topic on the medieval era.  Remember to fill out your maps and timelines that you will be given at the beginning of this session. Turn these in to the Duchess.

Lady-in-Waiting or Knight

At this level of society you have much more freedom to move around in the kingdom. Mingle with your people. Follow the links to research the specialized roles many of them filled; blacksmith, stable master, baker/cook, craftsmen, etc. What other medieval occupations can you uncover in your jaunts around the nearby villages and towns. How did these individuals learn their trades? Did what they do improve the lives of the people in the society around them? How or how not?

Fill out the “Know” & Want to know” sections of the KWL chart before you begin your travels. Once you feel confident in your research, fill out the “Learned” section of your chart. Were your questions answered?  Now you may turn the chart in to the Duchess.

Once you have completed this step, you are ready to be declared King or Queen! Congratulations!

Queen or King

A good monarch is familiar with the lives of their people from all social statuses, from peasant to royalty.  In order to do this, you will choose one of the roles you have filled to research.  (peasant, nun, monk, vassal, squire, knight, maiden of honor, King or Queen) Answer these questions in your journal: What was their place in society? Social? Political? How did their role affect the people around them? What was their daily life like?

Present your journal to the Duchess for approval. Groups will then be formed to address the guiding questions at the beginning of this unit and the ones that follow.

What was life really like in Medieval times? What inventions, medicines or technologies do we have now that would have made life easier for the people of that time? 

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