
Executive Branch



You have been asked to give a presentation about the Executive Branch of American Government to some recent imigrants. They only need to know the Basics! the problem is, you don't actually know that much. You find out you only have two days to get the information you need. Use this webquest up on your knowledge of Government.


Follow the following steps: 


Step 1: Look up words on dictionary.com and write down the vocabulary definitions.


Step 2: Print out the questions for this WebQuest.


Step 3: Use links to find the answers to the questions.

Step 4: Answer the questions.


Be Familiar with the definitions of the following words:

Foreign Policy     Deterrence     Bureaucracy


Electoral College     Key Note Address     Executive Article


Commander in Chief     Gift Tax     Entitlement

{ Look Words up on Dictionary.com }

1.) What are the roles of the Cabinet Departments in the Executive Branch? How many Cabinet Departments are there today?

2.) List all of the Cabinet Departments. What does each Department do? Who is the head of each one? (HINT: Secretary or Attorney General)

3.) What is a bureaucracy and what does it do?

4.) Who controls a Bureaucracy? What are some of the methods used to keep it under control?

5.) What does EOP stand for? When was it established and what is it?

6.) What are the requirements for a person to become President of the United States?

7.) What are the purposes of the 20th and 25th Ammendments? What role do they play in the Executive Branch?

8.) What is the Presidential Succession Law of 1947? List the first 5 Offices in order that establish the Presidential LIst of Succession.

9.) Where does the Commander in Chief get his power? What powers does he hold?

10.) What roles does the Executive Branch play in the checks-n-balances system?

11.) What role does Congress play in the Executive Branch?

12.) What is the OMB and what is the head of the OMBs job?



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