
Earth, Moon, & Sun Webquest



As a group, you will pick a topic to research:


Topic 1:  The Cause of Day and Night On Earth


Topic 2:  The Monthly Changes in the Appearance of The Moon


Topic 3:  The Reason for the Earth's Seasons



Below are project options from which your group may choose. (This is how you will share what you learn about the topic you selected to research):


*Write and produce a play! Research, plan and write a reader's theater script. Choose roles, make/find costumes and props and perform for the class! 


*Write a script for a radio show!  No costumes necessary for this one!  (But you might want to find some creative ways to make sound effects.)  Research, plan and write your radio show script.  Then, record it for the class to hear! 


*Design and construct a board game!  Research your topic and design a game that you can teach to your classmates for a challenging and fun way to learn about your topic.


*Construct a realistic model!  Research your topic and put your heads together to think of a way to use materials to demonstrate how the objects in your topic move in space.  Include labels and a short written description of the what the model shows.


If your topic is well-researched and the presentation of your project is superb, you might get a chance to perform/present your project to other classes in the Forbes Community!



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