


The game objectives that the learner will achieve while playing "hot pepper" are memory development, coordination, reaction time, cognitive processing, and social interaction. Before playing the game, the learner must remember the commands and the actions associated with the commands. This will work memory and cognitive processing. While playing Hot Pepper, the learner will have to quickly and accurately perform the action associated with the commands given to stay in the game. If the learner confuses a command with another or is too slow to react, she/he must sit down. This part of the game works memory and cognitive processing, but also incorporates reaction time. If "Hot Pepper" is called out, the learner must catch the ball thrown to them and throw it back to the person in the center. This helps with coordination. The game continues until there is one person standing. Playing "Hot Pepper" will help develop a variety of aspects, but like any game it involves other people and interacting with others. This aspect helps the child develop socially so he/she won't feel awkward when interacting with others. 

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