
A Quest for an Expert Bookkeeper



Don Juanito needs a team of expert who can provide him with a comprehensive report that he need to decide the expansion he desires. Goodluck in your chosen mission!

Role: Bookkeeper

Goal: Prepare an income statement and balance sheet based on the transactions provided. A written report to interpret the documents is very significant.

Role: Operations Manager

Goal: Improve the financial position of the business. You are provided by a financial statement and you should prepare a proposal how to improve the operations at a least possible cost! Your proposal is very significant.

Role: Systems Programmer

Goal: Propose a computer system to be used by the business for record keeping. You are provided by different system procedures and you should prepare a proposal how these systems will improve the operations of the business. Your proposal is very significant.

Role: Environmentalist

Goal: Propose procedures to be implemented by a catering business in the areas of onsite set-up operations, waste management and disposal. You are provided by documents containing procedures of operations, waste management and disposal. Your proposal is very significan

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