
Research the Olympic Games and a Host City



Learning Objective 1:  Using the Smart-board for multimedia supporting a brief lecture on the history of the Olympic Games that includes geography, government, economics and culture of the Olympic Games(instruction based on state standards for that grade level).  A lecture booklet containing all the lesson lectures and supporting images will be handed out to students.  They can follow along with the instructor using the booklet.  The lectures are also being recorded in both video and audio format. These recordings will include the question and answer discussion sessions after the lecture.  The recordings will be available for viewing and listening (download option available) via the class website.  The lectures are in three modalities, lecture with multimedia support, lecture booklet with images, and video recordings online. The learner now has three options or opportunities to learn about the history of the Olympic Games. 

After the lecture,the students will break up into their assigned groups (students were assigned groups by the instructor).  Each group will decide which city they will choose to represent.  They will do this by researching cities of their choosing and researching the cities geography, economics, government,culture, weather, architecture and infrastructure.  Groups may choose books, articles, magazines,search online using the internet search tools or combination of all research options.  The students working in their groups, must create a multimedia presentation using one of these presentation vehicle choices: slideshow using PowerPoint or VoiceThread that must include narration, electronic "brochure" using a WebQuest, blog, Wiki, or website that must include images, audio and text, or create a video presentation.  The presentations must address the city's geography, government, economics, culture, transportation and infrastructure and briefly explain why they choose that city.

Learning Objective 2
Using the Smart-board for multimedia supporting a brief lecture on the history of the Olympic Games that includes, government, economics, and culture of the Olympic Games (instruction based on state standards for that grade level).  A lecture booklet containing all the lesson lectures and supporting images will be handed out to students.  They can follow along with the instructor using the booklet.  the lectures are also being recorded in both video and audio format. These recordings will include the question and answer discussion sessions after the lecture.  The recordings will be available for viewing and listening (download option available) via the class website.  The lecture is in three modalities, lecture with multimedia, lecture booklet with images, and video or audio recordings online.

The students will break into their assigned groups and begin researching the city they have selected to represent for consideration for hosting the Olympic Games. The students may research using books, magazines, articles, or online using the internet.  The groups will begin researching their cities geography, government and economy.  The information found through this research will be part of their presentation “pitch” in hope to be chosen the next Olympic city.  (Please note, by this stage of the lesson the group should have decided what vehicle they want to use to present their city and begin the planning, design, writing and development of the presentation).

Learning Objective 3
Using the Smart-board for multimedia supporting a brief lecture on the history of the Olympic Games that includes, geography, government, economics,and culture.  Lectures can be found in the lecture booklet or online in video or audio format via class website.  The students will break into their assigned groups and begin researching the city they have selected to represent for consideration for hosting the Olympic Games. The students may research using books, magazines, articles, or online using the internet. 

The groups will begin researching their cities geography, government, economy and culture.The students will report of the city's history, geography, government,economy, and culture that should include one (1) major historical event and two(2) cultural examples of the following: life styles, food, art and religion and points of interest both natural and man-made. The information found through this research will be part of their presentation "pitch" in the hope to be chosen to host the next Olympic Games.

Learning Objective 4Using the Smart-board for multimedia supporting a brief lecture on the history of the Olympic Games that includes, geography, government, economics,and culture.  Lectures can be found in the lecture booklet or online in video or audio format via class website.  The students will break into their assigned groups and begin researching the city they have selected to represent for consideration for hosting the Olympic Games. The students may research using books, magazines, articles, or online using the internet. 

The groups will begin researching their cities geography, government, economy and culture.The students will break up into their groups and continue to research the city they have selected.  The students may research using books, magazines, articles, or online using the internet to research their city's architecture and infrastructure.  Information from research on architecture and infrastructure should include two (2) examples of each of the following:hotels, living quarters, transportation, and other accommodations and support systems that will be needed to accommodate athletes, members of the media, and visitors for the Olympic events.

Learning Objective 5:  After completing their research and the city presentation is complete,  the students will present their multimedia presentation to the class.  The presentations will be presented by the group and must use one of  the presentation vehicles listed in Learning Objective one (1): slideshow usingPowerPoint or VoiceThread that must include narration, electronic"brochure" using a WebQuest, Blog, Wiki, or website that includeimages, audio, and text, or video presentation. The presentations must addresses the city's geography, government,economics, culture, transportation and infrastructure characteristics, andbrief explanation why they choose that city.

The presentations should include the city's history, culture citing two(2) examples of each of the following: life styles, food, art and religion andpoints of natural or man-made interest. The presentation should give information on infrastructure andarchitecture which should include two (2) examples of the following: hotels,living quarters, transportation, and other accommodations and support systemsthat will be needed to accommodate athletes, members of the media and othervisitor's for the Olympic Event. The presentation should give information ongeography and type of climate as well as information pertaining to economicsand typeof government the city has. 

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