
Poetry Basics



Your task, if you choose to accept it (and I really hope you do!) is to find some definitions for key terms, research a few poems, and prepare a quick lesson to teach to this group of 5th graders.

You will use an online dictionary, plus a couple of websites to locate your information.  Once you have found your information, come up with a plan to teach your lesson.  Present the plan to me, in writing.

I hope the 5th graders enjoy poetry.  I hope they don't hate it!  Maybe something YOU do can help make them think poetry is awesome!  You will have to take notes.  Please make them neat, so that I can understand your work.  If you have time, maybe you can even type your notes using Microsoft Word.  I wish I could be there to help you, but that's the problem.  If I had time to help you, I'd just do  it myself, right?  Ooops, gotta go!  Check out the "What To Do" step for more info.  Good Luck!


  • Poetry WebQuest Student Notes
    Description: Your teacher may have given you a sheet for taking notes. If not, download and print this file for recording your notes.

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