
The Water Cycle



Now it's time to learn about the water cycle!!

Visit each website listed below under Resources to become an expert on the water cycle!!

Get a piece of paper and pencil and on your journey define each word listed below and answer each question:

  1. evaporation
  2. condensation
  3. precipitation
  4. infiltration
  5. transpiration
  6. surface runoff
  7. How old is water?
  8. How much of the Earth's surface is covered with water?
  9. If the temperature is cold enough, precipitation can fall as what?
  10. What does evaporation form?
  11. What is the process where rain water soaks into the ground?
  12. What is the process where water evaporates through plant leaves?
  13. ____% of the Earth's water is salt water, which can be found in _____________.
  14. Only ____% of Earth's water is fresh water.
  15. ____% of Earth's water is in solid form, found in ice caps and glaciers.
  16. What percent of fresh water can be used by people and animals living on Earth?

Use the resources below and read them carefully to find your answers! Good Luck!!

There is also a hands-on activity to complete with the teacher's help. "Biome in a Baggie"

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