
Exploring Extreme Environments



Log Entries

You will create three exploration log entries to present your research.

Once you have completed your research, you - as the head of the expedition - will imagine you're reporting to your boss what you have experienced while exploring this extreme environment. Using your research, you will create THREE journal (expedition log) entries:

Entry #1: Will explain:
     - where you are going,
     - what you are taking (all the technologies),
     - who is going with you on your exploration (your team specialists).

Entry #2: Will explain:
     - what you discovered - facts about the extreme environment,
     - the problems you may have experienced or had to fix,
     - Grade 5's include at least 5 descriptions,
     - Grade 6's include at least 6 descriptions.
     - Grade 7's include at least 7 descriptions.

Entry #3: Will explain:
     - how you felt about the experience,
     - what you feel you learned,
     - what you feel exploring this extreme environment contributes
       to the world.

You MAY include fictional events in your journal logs. HOWEVER, in order to do well, you MUST include facts from your research in all of  your journal entries.

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