
Passport to the Internet




Step 1. You will need to choose ONE of the modules presented and covered in Passport to the Internet.

Web Cafe - determining appropriate and inappropriate websites
Co-Co's Choco Match - recognizing and decoding online advertising
Study Space - effective research skills and website reliability
MyFace - maintaining privacy during social networking
Instant Pigeon - safety and responsibility during instant messaging

*Review the Project Rubric often while completing the following steps. A downloadable link of the Rubric has been added to the bottom of this webquest.

Step 2.  Create 5 facts that highlight the importance of your chosen module.
- Use email or this Google Form to send your 5 facts to your teacher.
- Make sure these are the BEST 5 facts you can come up with.
- The 5 facts are due on November 19.

*You will not be allowed to continue on to the video portion of this project until you have completed Steps 1 & 2.

Step 3. Use Animoto and WeVideo to create a video demonstrating the
                importance of your chosen module. You need to:
- use your 5 facts/pieces of information from Step 2.
- be concise with your information, because you only have a
  limited amount of space and time to present your information.
- choose a good title for your video.
- choose images and music that fit with your project.
- refer to the Project Rubric often.
- The video is due at the end of class on December 3.
- Watch the YouTube videos below giving you a tutorial on
  the basics of how to use Animoto and WeVideo.
- Just a reminder that you may NOT include photos of our
  students in your presentation. This is due to privacy issues.

Step 4. Complete the Passport to the Internet Video Project
              Reflection Sheet.
- Refer to the Project Rubric.
- The Reflection Sheet can be the introduction to your short presentation.
- The Reflection Sheet is due at the end of class on December 3.

Step 5. Passport to the Internet Video Project Presentations
- Be prepared to give a brief presentation on your project.
- Refer to your Project Rubric often.
- Any Bonus Additional Work you've completed should be
  presented at this time as well.
- Presentations will begin the week of December 8-12.


Animoto Tutorial

Description: This is an older version of Animoto, but the tutorial is still useful.

Web Link


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