
The Reformation

The Reformation



Luther and Tetzel: Indulgences - Insurance for the Soul?

The selling of indulgences - a way for people to pay to have their sins forgiven - was one way for the Catholic Church to raise money. One priest in particular, John Tetzel, was responsible for selling indulgences. But selling indulgences was also one of the major criticism Protestant Reformers, like Martin Luther, had towards the Catholic Church.

Read pp. 278-282 in your textbook Pathways: Civilization Through Time and then watch the YouTube clip titled "Luther and Tetzel" below. From the point of view of Martin Luther or John Tetzel, write a detailed paragraph describing your feelings about Indulgences and its effects on the common peasant living in the 16th century.

Another video "Reluctant Revolutionary" has been added in order to learn more about Martin Luther.


Major Religions During the Reformation

Attached is a chart of each of the major religions that were formed during the Reformation. Print out Attachment 2 (Comparing the Religions of the Reformation chart) and fill in the information from the following links:




Some further reading here.



The map of Europe changed as the religion spread. Print out Attachment 3 (the map of Europe) and label the religions in their corresponding areas. Having given you a modern outline of Europe to work with, notice which current countries were part of the Reformation. Don't forget to add a legend to your map (the brown areas on the map link indicate the extent of Islam).

Christian Religions of Europe


Description: Luther and Tetzel

Description: Martin Luther: Reluctant Revolutionary



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