
A Conference Season



TASK 1: You will make timelines for all the tasks to be submitted to your supervisor. How do you present your timelines? What is MS Office component the most appropriated for the task?

TASK 2: You will generate an invitation letter to all members. What type of data do you need and how do you retrieve and use them? What kind of information do you think the members want to know, and how will they be informed by the time they receive the letter? Pretending that you are a member, what you want to know if you want to attend a conference.

TASK 2: You receive a reply from members who want to attend the meeting. Now you are dealing with a great number of data. How many members want to attend seminar A or B or  so on? How much is the cost of the registration? How do they want to pay and how will you record the balance? How many want to stay at the top star hotels? Think about these questions and decide what type of data you want to use for the task.

TASK 3: You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the theme of the upcoming conference. What will you address in your presentation to impress the members that attending the conference is worthwhile? What do you want to include in the report that can catch audience’s attention and at the same time inform important information within the first 3 minutes?

TASK 4: You will create a report to be disseminated during the PowerPoint presentation. What do you want to include in the report? What type of information do you need and how will you organize them?

TASK 5: The conference manual will include seminar and training schedules, the name, occupations, and contact information of proponent members who will conduct the seminars or trainings. You already have information on MS Outlook. How will you send the schedules and contact information to the publisher?

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