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WebQuest Reviews (1)

Reviewed On: October 11, 2018
Review: RUN!!!! THESE LINKS DONT WORK AND THEY SCARE ME! its not okay.... you will learn nothing and will always be paranoid of a virus, some links download an encyrpted word page that dosent have real letters. i hate this, it makes no sense, good bye. eat my toes, and stop bein g a doo doo bum head, who even goes on this site, only poeple in a class or something, the images scare me and i can no longer sleep at night, my life is ruined by this website. eat pizza. if you see this review then just know this: nothing is as it seems. but really thoigu the sites are strange and pointless, why is this even a topic just use a dictionary BEANCH! im not insane, im normal, and im great at including commas in my perfectly normal sentecnes. my speeliin g is spot on, thanks for using this site, i hop e you learned somehting, see you next time. VYE BYE, join us next time for another video. if you understood any of this you deserved a PIZZAA metal i mean medal i dont have dyslecxia

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