
Valid and Invalid Websites fourth Grade

Valid and Invalid website

Answer the following multiple choice questions.

Question #1

What does the suffix .net stand for?

Question #2

What does the suffix .com stand for?

Question #3

What does the following suffix .mil stand for?

Question #4

When is the date a website was revised not important?

Question #5

Typically, information on a website should not be more than how many years old?

Question #6

What does copyright mean?

Question #7

What are Fair User Laws?

Question #8

A vaild website is

Question #9

What does it mean to cite your source?

Question #10

Authors of valid websites have to be what?

Question #11

What are credentials?

Question #12

All of the following are examples of credentials EXCEPT:

Question #13

Webpages with broken links are probably

Question #14

Well designed webpages should have all the following EXCEPT

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